Philippe Radault

Films de Philippe Radault

2 Films
Uccello ! La Bataille de San Romano

Uccello ! La Bataille de San Romano SVODVOD

Avec James Blœdé, professeur à l’Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, voyage au cœur du plus cinématographique triptyque de la Renaissance italienne, chef-d’œuvre du XVe siècle de Paolo Uccello.

Uccello ! The battle of San Romano

Uccello ! The battle of San Romano SVODVOD

This film is a journey through time with Professor James Blœdé, of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, to the heart of Paolo Uccello’s most cinematographic tryptic of the Italian Renaissance, a 15th Centuary masterpiece. More than a lesson in art history, more than a lecture about an artist’s painted work, this documentary, a pictorial analysis, is an invitation to cultivate the eye.