Catalogue Documentaires commençant par la lettre “T”

Films 241 à 256 sur 256
The Journey 10

The Journey 10 SVODVOD

Tenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 11

The Journey 11 SVODVOD

Eleventh episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 12

The Journey 12 SVODVOD

Twelfth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 13

The Journey 13 SVODVOD

Thirteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 14

The Journey 14 SVODVOD

Fourteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 15

The Journey 15 SVODVOD

Fifteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 16

The Journey 16 SVODVOD

Sixteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 17

The Journey 17 SVODVOD

Seventeenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 18

The Journey 18 SVODVOD

Eighteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 19

The Journey 19 SVODVOD

Last episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

Transmettre la Shoah

Transmettre la Shoah SVODVOD

Plus de 60 ans après la Shoah, à l’heure où la parole des témoins devient de plus en plus rare, il devient nécessaire de s’interroger sur la mémoire d’un des événements les plus importants du 20ème siècle, sinon le plus traumatisant… 

The War : L'intégrale

The War : L'intégrale

A travers récits et images d'archives, retrouvez un documentaire événement de quatorze heures sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale du point de vue des vétérans américains. Le film rend hommage à la bravoure, à la résistance et aux sacrifices de cette génération d'américains qui ont traversé ce qui, pour eux, restera à jamais
" La Guerre ".

Ta'ang : un peuple en exil entre Chine et Birmanie

Ta'ang : un peuple en exil entre Chine et Birmanie DVD

Les Ta’ang, minorité ethnique birmane, sont au cœur d’une guerre civile à la frontière chinoise. Depuis début 2015, de violents conflits ont contraint des milliers d’enfants, de femmes et de personnes âgées à s’exiler en Chine.

The Lebanese Rocket Society

The Lebanese Rocket Society DVD

Au début des années soixante, pendant la Guerre froide et avant la Guerre des 6 Jours, un groupe de chercheurs utopistes entre dans la course à l’espace. Parfois, les rêves peuvent surmonter les tragédies de l’Histoire…

Théodore Ier, roi des Corses

Théodore Ier, roi des Corses SVODVOD

Théodore Ier, roi des Corses est un docu-fiction sur le parcours insulaire du roi Théodore de Neuhoff, une sorte de « road movie » à travers les paysages et sites corses d’aujourd’hui avec, pour héros voyageur, Théodore sous la forme d'une grande marionnette.

Trois drapeaux sur l'Everest

Trois drapeaux sur l'Everest

En pleine guerre froide, une expédition composée d’alpinistes américains, russes et chinois décide d’entreprendre l’ascension de l’Everest afin de planter les trois drapeaux à son sommet.

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