English catalog commençant par la lettre “N”

 8 Films
Nina Star


4 films from 1921 to 1927 with Jeanne Starewitch, youngest daughter of Ladislas and Anne Starewitch, in the role of Nina Star, the heroine of this programme.



Li Mo left China many years ago but the Nereides have never ceased haunting him. As those who saw these beautiful and deadly nymphs have consumed in desire.

Near Future

Near Future SVODVOD

Two screens. On the left, Tim is wandering through the city at night. On the right, his future is already being written: in a few seconds, he will be the victim of a very serious assault.

Non Assistance

Non Assistance SVODVOD

Since 2011, thousands of people are crossing the Mediterranean Sea to seek refuge in Europe. The old continent’s answer is either nonexistent or done on a security basis. Against this state of non-assistance to people in danger, a handful of civilians in Europe are getting involved to bring back some humanity into this unprecedented crisis.



Naoshima (Dream on the tongue) is a journey across a small Japanese island in the Seto inland sea. Since the 90s, it is threatened by exodus, its population decreases and ages, its industry declines.

No Man Iceland

No Man Iceland SVODVOD

One family, one tandem, around and across Iceland : incredible landscapes, an often wild and uncopromising environment ; a fascinating population which mixes discretion or shyness with pride and stubborness, as well as love for her land ; the personal challenge to ride around and across those baren, savage lands on a bike, fully autonomous, wit...

Nude model in summer ligth

Nude model in summer ligth SVODVODDVD

With Penelope MILNER, English Master Pastelist.

In her house in Lot, Penelope Milner, an English artist from the Société des Pastellistes de France, painted a portrait of her model Camille, during three hot summer afternoons

No London Today

No London Today SVODVODDVD

No London Today is an immersion into the world of five young refugees, Chafik, Aron, Abraham, Henok and Ermias, waiting and wandering in Calais, trying illegally to reach England.

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