English catalog commençant par la lettre “R”

 6 Films
Rape of Love

Rape of Love SVODVOD

A nurse in Grenoble, Nicole is leading a harmonious life with her fiancé Jacques. One evening, on her way home, Nicole is attacked by four men who violently rape her. 

Russia vs. Russia

Russia vs. Russia SVODVOD

Since the surprise return of Alexei Navalny to Russia in January 2021, the world has discovered the existence of a different Russia from that of Vladimir Putin. A Russia of the discontented.


Ramallah SVODVOD

After three months of full immersion, Flavie Pinatel offers to restore on screen the city of Ramallah as a physical and sensory experience.

Remind Me


As every Sunday, Solange is having a one way conversation with her aging mother. Suddenly, she interrupts her daughter with an unexpected questions, which catches Solange off guard.

Romantic landscape by Françoise Bousquet

Romantic landscape by Françoise Bousquet SVODVOD

The painter-pastellist Françoise Bousquet creates a pastel painting of a desolate landscape with a solitary tree in the French Vexin.

Ramallah Tirana

Ramallah Tirana DVD

Ramallah, Tirana. Two names, two cities that seem to be in stark opposition. The former, the actual administrative capital of one of the most media-covered territories, Palestine. The latter, the capital of an unknown country with an improbable geography yet located at the heart of Europe, Albania.

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