Catalogue Société : Société

Films 241 à 244 sur 244
Dreams in progress

Dreams in progress SVODVOD

It all started when Renaud and friends squatted an abandoned house. "House Mimir", as they named it, becomes a social, arts space. The city council grants them an emphyteutic lease.

Parole de king !

Parole de king ! SVODVODDVD

If the Drag Queens are in the limelight in cabarets, few people know the Drag Kings who use the codes of masculinity to play with those of femininity.

Before We Go

Before We Go DVD

Meg StuartBenoît Lachambre et Simone Aughterlony, danseurs et chorégraphes, rencontrent Lidia, Michel et Noël, aux corps déjà affaiblis. Tous s’apprêtent à vivre une expérience unique, dans le décor somptueux de l’Opéra de la Monnaie.

Our Culinary Heritage

Our Culinary Heritage SVODVOD

In Morocco, the secrets of the culinary flavors are orally passed on from mother to daughter.

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