Catalogue Société : Portrait

Films 381 à 389 sur 389
La Folle Entreprise (A Mad Venture)

La Folle Entreprise (A Mad Venture) SVODVOD

A woman in the present goes in search of a woman of the past, Jeanne Mance (1606-1673), co-founder of MontrealAnnabel Loyola is from Langres, France, birthplace of Jeanne Mance four hundred years earlier. The two women share a common itinerary that leads them from Langres to Paris and, finally, to Montreal.

The Barefoot Poetess

The Barefoot Poetess SVODVOD

In nine collections, seven prizes and two anthologies published in France where she lives since 1982, the Syrian poetess Maram Al Masri became one of the great voices of the contemporary poetry.

Love in Siberia

Love in Siberia

Dans la Sibérie d’aujourd’hui, au cœur d’une société cruelle et avide, une jeune fille cherche par tous les moyens à rencontrer son prince charmant. Une réalisatrice décide de faire le point sur son propre couple.

The City of God, the redemption of a favela

The City of God, the redemption of a favela SVODVOD

The history of this favela in Rio de Janero has been marked by violence, poverty and drugs trafficking. Far from the clichés and received ideas of the favela, this documentary paints a portrait of the people currently living within the City of God.

Ramallah Tirana

Ramallah Tirana DVD

Ramallah, Tirana. Two names, two cities that seem to be in stark opposition. The former, the actual administrative capital of one of the most media-covered territories, Palestine. The latter, the capital of an unknown country with an improbable geography yet located at the heart of Europe, Albania.

Parole de king !

Parole de king ! SVODVODDVD

If the Drag Queens are in the limelight in cabarets, few people know the Drag Kings who use the codes of masculinity to play with those of femininity.

François Gabart, racing the oceans

François Gabart, racing the oceans SVODVOD

François Gabart, 29 years old, is a rising star in the firmament of offshore yacht racing. In November 2012, he took part in his first ever Vendée Globe.

Despite the night

Despite the night SVODVOD

On the A6 highway, around Charnay-les-Mâcon, a man wearing monk clothes stands on a bridge and waves a white woodmade dove to salute cars and trucks driving away below.

The devil’s child

The devil’s child SVODVOD

Marion wants to retrace her past, along with Elisabeth Blanchet who has photographed Ceausescu’s orphans. We will follow her in her quest, in a road movie across Romania, as the country prepares to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the dictator’s fall.

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