Catalogue commençant par la lettre “M”

Films 401 à 420 sur 421
Mister Carbone

Mister Carbone DVD

Coupable désigné du réchauffement climatique, le gaz carbonique, Mister Carbone, a fait une entrée remarquée dans la politique internationale lors de la signature du Protocole de Kyoto en 1997. Depuis, au fil des années, avec l’inquiétude grandissante face au dérèglement climatique, il est devenu la star encombrante de la dernière décennie et est en passe de s’affirmer comme préoccupation majeure des années à venir.

Merci Cupidon

Merci Cupidon SVODVOD

Un instant de bonheur accidentel et passager dans deux existences solitaires.
Merci Cupidon est la rencontre touchante et comique de Charles et Rosy, un rêve d'amour et d'harmonie orchestré par un Cupidon qui n'a pas encore beaucoup d'expérience...

Michel Duvoisin Aquaréliste

Michel Duvoisin Aquaréliste

À travers ses aquarelles, Michel transcrit sa vision du réel, sans lui retirer ses charmes et ses secrets. Il nous invite dans son atelier et nous propose de peindre à notre rythme. Il nous conseille, il nous révèle ses astuces acquis au fil de son expérience. Son savoir faire, sa touche personnelle se manifeste par la maitrise de son tracé. C’est le dernier petit détail, qui une fois placé donnera tout son sens à l’harmonie des couleurs.



La comédienne qui interprète Lady Macbeth de Shakespeare entre en scène. Elle reste sans voix, panique.
Le plateau est envahi de brume, elle est prise dans un tourbillon et bascule dans un trou de mémoire...



Marion est un "fantôme" qui vit dans son monde, un univers parallèle à notre monde tangible sur lequel elle ne fait que glisser.
Elle est en situation de quasi-échec social. La mission d'interim qu'on lui propose va être l'occasion pour elle d'établir des connexions entre la réalité du présent et son passé oublié.


Monsieur Jean-Claude Vaucherin

Monsieur Jean-Claude Vaucherin SVODVOD

Vouloir écrire ! Quelle folie !...

Montmartre Kiss

Montmartre Kiss SVODVOD

Il has loved Elle since he was a teenager. Tonight, he wants to seduce her but a couple of gangsters jeopardize his plans.

Memories from Gehenna

Memories from Gehenna SVODVODDVD

Grande-Synthe, Northern France, 2002. J.D. loads his rifle and drives through town, looking for people with an immigrant background. His wild odyssey ends up with the murder of a 17-year-old North African.

Marseille #01 - #30

Marseille #01 - #30 SVODVODDVD

With these 30 spots made in 2011 as part of a carte blanche, Alexander Schellow keeps on working on the remembering process through drawings and animation, this time based on scenes he observed in Marseille.

My soul thirsts for you

My soul thirsts for you SVODVODDVD

This documentary (drama) allows us to discover silent prayer as it is practiced throughout the world by Carmelite friars and nuns, but also by lay people. A legitimate spiritual path, silent or interior prayer was first initiated by St. Teresa of Avila.

My work, my sorrow

My work, my sorrow SVODVODDVD

An encounter with François, Vincent, Marie and others, who reveal the hardship of their daily work in France. They suffer in their jobs which they need to hold on to at all costs. Is such widespread distress inevitable ?

My Life as a Double Bass

My Life as a Double Bass SVODVOD

My Life As A Double Bass is a musical « Road Movie » following the 140 year career of a double bass. She carries her bassist on the trail of her history meeting instrument makers, musicians and historians along the way. Through her story we discover the evolution of music making in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Man, that old sick animal

Man, that old sick animal SVODVOD

I meet Jean-Luc Nancy wondering what it means to make philosophy his destiny. Something that may seem strange, even foreign to most of us.



Mora, reporter-photographer, is in quest of a scoop in South America. In a politically disturbed country, he unexpectedly witnesses a murder. As he tries to regain a perception of reality, he discovers betrayal, violence and fear.

Maternity, training course by Mélanie Quentin

Maternity, training course by Mélanie Quentin SVODVOD

Clay sculpture from a live model, during a course given by Mélanie Quentin.

Marble Girl by Michel Pigeon

Marble Girl by Michel Pigeon SVODVOD

The artist Michel Pigeon sculpts a large female figure in white marble over the course of a year.

Microwaves, science and lies

Microwaves, science and lies SVODVOD

For the past ten years worldwide questioning of mobile phone antennas has been increasing. It is based on numerous scientific studies which have revealed the effects of electromagnetic waves on health. Yet, States, industrialists and part of the scientific community claim that health standards protect the public.

Marine waves

Marine waves SVODVODDVD

With CHRIS, Master Pastelist

CHRIS, a teacher from the Société des Pastellistes de France, paints a landsape based on a film clip of the Corniche Vendénne.

Market Scene by Penelope Milner

Market Scene by Penelope Milner SVODVOD

The British master pastelist Penelope Milner, who lives in the Lot, paints the market in Cahors.

Male Bust


With Valentina ZEILE, Sculptor. 

The Latvian-born artist Valentina Zeile, who has a museum dedicated to her work in Riga, has been based in Paris for 30 years. Here, she realises a clay sculpture of a male torso from a live model before the cameras.

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