Catalogue Histoire et Géopolitique

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Retour en terre Mapuche

Retour en terre Mapuche VODDVD

Dix ans après avoir tourné Mari Chi Weu dans le sud du Chili - un documentaire sur la résistance des communautés indigènes mapuches - les réalisateurs sont repartis à la rencontre des protagonistes de leur premier film.

Victor Jara n° 2547

Victor Jara n° 2547 VODDVD

Réquisitionné trois jours à la morgue de Santiago du Chili, quelques jours après le coup d’État du 11 septembre 1973, le jeune fonctionnaire de l’État civil Hector Herrera est témoin de la disparition de centaines de cadavres. 

Y Volveré

Y Volveré VODDVD

Ancien réfugié politique chilien, Porfirio Diaz vit en France depuis janvier 1974. Un an avant le coup d’Etat du général Pinochet - il est militant d’extrême gauche au Chili et engagé dans un groupuscule armé qui prévoit de résister à un éventuel putsch militaire. 

Walter, retour en résistance

Walter, retour en résistance VODDVD

Walter Bassan a 82 ans. D’écoles en manifestations, de discours engagés en témoignages de la guerre, Walter continue son long combat, fait de petites batailles, contre toutes les formes de démagogies, d’injustices et d’oppressions. 

Les jours heureux

Les jours heureux VODDVD

Entre mai 1943 et mars 1944, seize hommes appartenant à tous les partis politiques, les syndicats et les mouvements de résistance vont changer durablement le visage de la France en rédigeant le programme du Conseil National de la Résistance intitulé : « Les jours heureux ». 

Paris au « beau temps des équipages »

Paris au « beau temps des équipages » SVODVOD

Il y a à peine plus d’un siècle Paris trépidait sous le sabot des chevaux. Des dizaines de milliers de percherons et de boulonnais, de cobs et de frisons en sillonnaient les rues, en encombraient les carrefours… Ce qu’ambitionne ce film, c’est d’en restituer le panorama instantané.

Roland Garros, l’embrasseur de nuages

Roland Garros, l’embrasseur de nuages SVODVOD

Natif de la Réunion, Roland Garros entre dans la légende il y a cent ans par un grand exploit aéronautique : en 1913 à 25 ans, il effectue le plus long vol jamais réalisé en traversant la Méditerranée, soit un vol à haut risque de 7 heures sans escale.

Corée du Nord, la grande illusion

Corée du Nord, la grande illusion DVD

Longtemps en poste en Asie, le journaliste Michaël Sztanke signe un portrait de la Corée du Nord de Kim Jong-un. Contraint par le strict dispositif d’encadrement des autorités de Pyongyang, il parvient à imposer, en creux, dans le flot des images officielles, un regard critique. Télérama

The Journey 19

The Journey 19 SVODVOD

Last episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 18

The Journey 18 SVODVOD

Eighteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 17

The Journey 17 SVODVOD

Seventeenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 16

The Journey 16 SVODVOD

Sixteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 15

The Journey 15 SVODVOD

Fifteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 14

The Journey 14 SVODVOD

Fourteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 13

The Journey 13 SVODVOD

Thirteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 12

The Journey 12 SVODVOD

Twelfth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 11

The Journey 11 SVODVOD

Eleventh episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 10

The Journey 10 SVODVOD

Tenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 9

The Journey 9 SVODVOD

Ninth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 8

The Journey 8 SVODVOD

Eighth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

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